
If you lead me, I will follow

If you lead me, I will follow

  A sweetness descends upon and envelopes me even before I finish my prayers. I’ve just settled onto my couch to meditate. My eyelids closed only a couple minutes ago, shutting out the cathedral of redwoods beyond my windows. My words, “Make me an...

I said “Yes” today

I said “Yes” today

I said Yes today. It’s  been building for some time, now. Like… for years. I’ve played with my “yes". Done a few things here and there. Tested it out, like a cat teases a mouse. I was unsure. Disbelieving. Skeptical. And seriously,...

What is the Language of Light?

What is the Language of Light?

  Are you experiencing that: Change is increasingly rapid? The moment you evolve to one level, you have to leap to the next? Perhaps you’re switching careers. Again. And again. Chaos is rampant worldwide as our collective shadow is thrown up in every way?...

Why You Shouldn’t Be Humble About Your Gifts

Why You Shouldn’t Be Humble About Your Gifts

Cindy was humble. To a fault. When someone complimented her, she'd say, "Oh it's nothing." When someone appreciated her, she'd say, "You'd do the same." When opportunities rose right in front of her nose, her mind swirled with "I'm not good enough" and the opportunity...

You have a Soul song. Do you know what it is?

You have a Soul song. Do you know what it is?

  Are you singing your Soul song? Your Soul song is the song your Soul wants to sing through you in your life. We're not taught how important it is. But the Himba tribe in Namibia centers every person's life around their Soul song. When a woman decides to conceive,...