Announcing my new business… and do you want info, posts and events from Temple of Sound Healing?
I started a new business Temple of Sound Healing last year.
And I’d love for you to be part of it. ❤️
What does Temple of Sound Healing do?
- Teach individuals about Sound Healing and how to play and use Crystal Singing Bowls for their health and wellbeing
- Teach healers, coaches, community leaders, health/ wellness teachers and organizations how to become Crystal Singing Bowl Practitioners and offer Trauma-Informed Sound Healing to their clients and communities
- Sell Crystal Singing Bowls in the Bay Area
Check us out at Temple of Sound Healing.
If you want to receive posts, information, and events about Sound Healing, then head on over, scroll to the bottom of the page and sign up.
You will a FREE Crystal Singing Bowl recording in your Inbox.
If you do nothing you will remain on this list and continue to receive my posts about women’s empowerment and Divine Feminine work, and my books.
If you want to join me on my Sound Healing list, you will need to sign up there.
My Story of Why and How I started Temple of Sound Healing
- It all began when my amazing spirit guides kept sending me messages and showing me visions about working with sound. ✨
- I began integrating sound with piano and Crystal Singing Bowls into my work with my psychotherapy clients and was astounded by how rapidly they healed and transformed. It quite literally put me out of my psychotherapy business! 🎶
- Then I created and taught a few sound healing workshops to teach people, healers, and organizations how to use Crystal Singing Bowls for personal use and with clients. (Which I absolutely love doing 😊).
- Because I’ve discovered sound to be an extraordinarily powerful modality for holistic health and wellness, to heal trauma, and for spiritual guidance and awakening, I closed my psychotherapy practice and started my new business.
Thank you so much for being part of my journey. I deeply appreciate and value you. I’d love for you to join me there. ❤️
Love and blessings,
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