by wpengine | Mar 16, 2014 | Healing, Spirituality, Women

Know you are sacred.
You are a divine being, a sacred woman.
You adorn yourself more and more as you come to know how sacred you are.
For you are made of the same stuff as the stars and Light, as the earth and the oceans, as thunder and lightning.
You are that energy, that Light, that Love, that preciousness that walks upon the earth.
For you are a goddess.
All that remains is for you to know yourself as one.
Here are 7 ways to adorn yourself with your sacredness.
1. Seek and find what makes you vibrate with sacredness.
Find your joy, where you feel that this, this, is who you are on a deep core level.
Whether it’s sitting in church, on your meditation seat, swimming with dolphins, growing an orchard, or gathering with friends.
2. Enter that space regularly
Create and make time to touch that sacredness.
Enter, breathe in, and nourish yourself with that sacred energy.
Touch your presence, your essence, your spiritual matter.
It doesn’t have to “look spiritual”. For everything is spiritual if you feel it to be so.
3. Remain there deep and long
Drink deep from these depths.
Open to the mystery and awe of your being. Of just being.
Of knowing and not knowing. For there are illuminations, gifts, intuitions, guidance, and revelations to be found here.
A few moments of this, even a faint glimpse in a half hour of meditation, can alter and shift the texture of your life.
4. Call it by any name
Whether you call it Spirit or Krishna, God, Mother, the Universe or Essence, it is all you.
For whatever it is that makes a lion roar, a whale spout, a star flicker across years of traveling light, you as you create your day, love and are loved, grow and , it is all you.
If you are thirsty for it, call out to it so you may know it more.
5. Look upon your face
Whatever depth or touch of the sacred you experience, know that that is you.
Your sacredness doesn’t live outside of you, in some distant heaven on some distant throne. It throbs in your heart. You journey with your soul.
The touches and flickers and enveloping descents of Grace and Peace and Love and Joy are you knowing your true nature.
Your sacred experiences tell you, remind you who you are.
This, this is your sacred face.
This, this, is your sacred body.
This, this, is your sacred self.
6. Walk in the world so
Gather up your divinity within you, around you.
Hold it as the altar in your heart.
And so walk, step by step, day by day, upon the earth.
7. Let it flow through you
You are both sacred and a channel for sacredness.
When you connect with your sacred Presence, with Spirit, it flows through you.
It touches and sanctifies and transforms your life, your loves and your challenges.
You touch and connect with the sacredness around you—your garden, your terrier or kitten, wild leopards of Africa, daffodils in spring, people in and not in your life, the bumblebees and hummingbirds.
Know who you are. Really are.
Know great Joy, Grace, Peace, Love, and Beauty.
by wpengine | Mar 1, 2014 | Healing, Spirituality, Women

As a woman, you have extraordinary capacities to access your intuition.
You know when your gut tells you something is right. Or isn’t. You have a feeling, a hunch, receive information or an image. Or you just know something about someone or a situation.
You have recurring dreams, images, or visions. You feel beings around you. You communicate with nature, guides, or see beyond physical reality. Maybe you’re a medium.
Your intuition:
- tells you there’s more you know than what you know
- gives you information beyond your rational mind and physical senses
- is a doorway through which you access your Higher Self and spirituality
- accesses your inspiration, visionary capacities, and inner vision
- is your portal to wisdom, light, and information, guides, beings and realms
- opens you to magic and miracles
- helps you evolve faster
You swim upstream if you’re intuitive in a material, rational world
You may have been intuitive as a child. Magic dust still swirled around you, so you were open to seeing, hearing and knowing what adults didn’t. Maybe your intuition got talked out of you.
“What nonsense!”
“You have such a wild imagination.”
“Nothing’s under the bed!”
“What do you mean, a fairy? I don’t see it. You’ve been reading too many fairy tales!”
Many who are intuitive or psychic keep it secret because no one else gets it. Dr. Judith Orloff, a psychiatrist and intuitive, tells how she integrated her intuition with her clinical work in The Second Sight.
Have you noticed the world’s becoming more intuitive?
That’s why more and more people are interested in psychics, astrologers, channelers, shamans, mediums, energy healers, medical intuitives, and animal communicators.
As we evolve spiritually, our interest in these realms grows and we’re awakening more to our capacities in dimensions we can’t see with our eyes.
Intuition is the next intelligence
The mind’s gone as far as it can go. The problems we’re facing require solutions of a quantum leap.
Into our intuition.
We’ve begun a process of exponential evolution. Where intuition is our transportation.
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Historical fears
For centuries religions and patriarchy have been terrified of the irrational, the intuitive and occult, and the feminine.
The Christians persecuted Pagans in the 4th century. In India, Tantra was sidelined by orthodox Brahmins in the 7th century. Shamans and sorcerers, witches and mediums have been burned at the stake for their gifts to travel between human and spirit worlds.
Hugely threatened, mainstream society still carries these fears:
“What cannot be seen is not to be trusted”
“What cannot be seen is not sacred”
“If you see things or hear voices then you’re a schizophrenic”
“Everything irrational is dangerous”
The Reality
The Truth is that there is so much
more to you, your reality and world than what you know.
The Truth is you’re a spiritual being in a human body, and your intuition is a doorway through which you access your spirituality.
You can know everything about your past lives, life purpose, and future potential. It’s available to you through your intuition.
Miracles and magic are very real possibilities, beyond will and life’s mundaneness and suffering.
You are intuitive, even psychic.
If you want to know these dimensions, all you need is to be willing to go beyond your mental mind and open to your intuition.
Here are 7 ways to develop your intuition:
Meditate to access your spiritual nature. This opens you up to realities beyond what you know.
2. Notice
Intuition can hit you over the head. Or it’s a quick and subtle knowing, so much so that it’s easy for your mind to discount it.
Notice any quick flashes of images, voices, knowings that come to you.
Pay attention to your dreams. Work them with a therapist or dream analyst. They offer you a great deal of information.
3. Ask your guides
Yes, you have spirit guides, guardian angels, angels and all sorts of exalted beings ready to work with you. They’re ready and waiting to give you guidance. Ask them to help you develop your intuition or for whatever else you need.
4. Stay open
If you want to know something, stay open and listen for an answer. Ask for a sign. Ask for three signs.
Be willing to entertain the absurd, the weird, the preposterous.
5. Be receptive
The easiest way to access your intuition is to be receptive, not exert your will. This will be easy or difficult for you, depending on your nature.
The more you open to it, the more it opens to you.
6. Suspend judgment
It’s very easy to judge and dismiss your intuition. Because that’s what you’ve been trained to do.
If you can’t believe your intuition, try automatic writing or drawing. Get into a meditative space and sit with a a piece of paper and begin asking questions. Write down or draw the first thing that comes to you without judging. Do this until you feel complete. After a week or some time lapses, return to the conversation to see what it holds for you.
7. Get to know your pineal gland
Your pineal gland is the physical
portal of your intuition. Shaped like a pine cone in the center of your head, it’s a cosmic receiver and sender of spiritual information, including the language of Light.
Try focusing on it to see what comes up. Or when you want to receive guidance.
If you don’t use it, your pineal gland becomes dormant. The more you use it, the more it awakens. Also, toxic foods and substances can block it; sunlight and moonlight awaken it.
How else are you intuitive?
[ Click here for the Introduction, Body, Sexuality, Power, Love, and Voice + Creativity posts of this 8-part blog series.]
[Images: Christian Schloe]
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