“Brown Skin Girl” has launched on Amazon! 💃🔥🌟
She’s here! She’s here! She’s here!
I’m SO excited to let you know my memoir Brown Skin Girl: An Indian-American Woman’s Magical Journey From Broken to Beautiful has launched!
Check her out on Amazon!
It’s been a long, wild, and extraordinary ride to get Brown Skin Girl ready for the world. I’m so delighted she’s birthed! And grateful to so many people who midwifed her and me to make it happen. 😃
My intention for Brown Skin Girl is that she be Story Medicine for women so they feel inspired to choose themselves, speak their truth, heal, rise, and shine their Light.
If you enjoy Brown Skin Girl and think your friends, family, book clubs, and communities would be inspired by reading, please spread the word.
Thank you!
Here’s that link on Amazon, again.
I do hope you enjoy her! Happy reading!
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