What is your Truth calling you to?
Here’s part of a channeled message from Mother Mary on Truth. Take your time in reading it to receive her words and transmissions.
“Dear One,
There are great things in all of you that must be spoken. Each of you has something special for yourself and for our world. Your Truth is sacred. Your deepest truths are your expression of your Divine Feminine self, the Goddess. And She, in each of you is unique, different, rare, and magnificent. In your journey as a human woman, it is for you to discover and express the truths of your deepest self — not the truths you have been told, whether it is from family, parents, culture, religion, tradition, or the mainstream.
Your Truth is like the pearl that lives within the oyster in the great wash of the ocean. To find your truth you must dive, as a diver does, deep into your depths, pick up your oyster shell, open it, and find your pearl. Right now, you might think your truth is the ocean because that’s what’s everywhere. Do not look for your truth in the marketplace or outside of you. Those are false truths. And some of them are even lies.”
What is your truth?
Centuries of trauma and patriarchy have caused women to stay silent, small, and unheard. We self-sabotage, feel afraid of what other people might think, tone ourselves down, hesitate, and doubt ourselves. It’s all too easy to go along with the mainstream and other people’s ideas and ways.
But your Truth is yours and yours alone. It is your power, your dignity, your beauty, and your freedom.
Your truth is a flame that lights your way. Your truth is a sword that cuts through the maze of falsities. Your truth is your path to your desires and dreams.
Your Truth is your journey to yourself. To become all that you are as a woman. Like a never-ending spiral, as you arrive at one truth, your path opens to another.
Your Truth is coming home to yourself. To remember who you are as a Divine Being.
To be in your Truth is to:
- Be in authentic relationship with yourself
- Say that thing you’ve been afraid or hesitate to say
- Do that thing you haven’t done but want to do
- Find your courage and conviction to live your truth
- Express your precious, unique gifts and all that you are, no matter what
What is your Truth calling you to?
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