For the fall equinox: A poem from my Creative Self to yours
As we shift from the bright bounty and long summer days towards ruby red and golden leaves and shorter days, our bodies and psyches also make internal shifts. We turn and tune within, into our inner spaces. We shift from doing to quiet listening and allowing in the silence and darkness. It is a time of hibernation. A time to listen to your creative visions speaking to you.
As a recovering creative, connecting with my Creative Self is my sacred practice. Recently, to my surprise, poems have started flowing. This poem is from my Creative Self (and, I think some Spirits) that wanted to be shared with you and your Creative Self.
May this fall enliven you with the beauty, joy, magic, and truth of your Creative Self.
There are things to be done
There are things to be done that no one knows
There are places to go when the wind blows
There are dances to danced and songs to be sung
There are lovers to make love to when your day is done.
Life is but a passing breeze
Full of light, of joy, of serendipitous ease
Toil and struggle are not the way
But feminine delight, pleasure, and play.
So pick up your skirts and uncap your pens
So much to share and give and tend.
The world is struggling, heartless and torn
A new world is waiting within you to be born.
Listen no more to yester’s ways
But create bold new paths and old demons slay
Their time has come to an end and so
Drown their voices, their harshness, their power no more will glow.
Rouse your voices, your hearts and your hands
Much is to be done, our world to tend
Love each other as much as you can
Join with sisters and brothers to build a new land.
A New Earth is waiting and ready to be born
But first she must birth within you each morn
Tarry not, but hasten, do not delay
To shed the old and with the new begin your play.
The tides are changing, the energies are new
Everything is possible and waiting for you
Build the New Earth from love, touch, and kindness,
Each of you has so much to share of your delight and talents.
Come, come, dreamers, healers, and all
Wake up, the time has come — hear the clarion call
Rouse from your slumber, your comfortable ways
Out with the old, the New Earth has come to stay.
Each and everyone are a part of this
Bring your hearts, minds, and hands to create a world of Bliss
Where all are equal, beloved, and true
Gifting each other with delight — let love be the glue.
I love thee, I love thee, I love thee true,
I am thy Creative Self, listen to me anew
I have waited long for you to hear
These words that must be written and spoken for all to hear.
They are not only mine but of those above
Who watch over you all with protection and love.
The Spirit world is nigh and and at hand
Lending you all courage, strength, guidance, and the plan
To uplift humanity to a life of Truth,
Of Beauty and Magnificence and Delight, to soothe
The harshness, the violence, the corruption, the toil
No more must children be sad or spoiled
By the hands of the wicked, the weak, or the grey
Ones who twist you all in unspeakable ways.
The New Earth is of Light and Beauty and Joy
Come now, lift your hearts and with me rejoice
Play a little, sing a lot, gather in twos and threes
To join your hearts, your intentions, so you may bring about these.
I love thee, I love thee, I love thee true,
You are angels on Earth come to bring succor and soothe
Trees bereft of water, in raging fires, the holocaust of the lands
Quench these all with the waters of thy hands.
Beloveds, you are precious, you are strong, you are true
So much is possible, we are waiting for you
To lift the hoe, the harp, and the pen
To bring change, healing, and kindness to all and then
You can rest fulfilled in your homes and hearts
That you have, indeed, done your part
I love thee, we love thee, get going now and soon
We are with you, now and forever more with our Love and our Truths.
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