Happy New Year and A Message From Mother Mary

Artist: Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato
Happy New Year!
Wishing you all happiness, joy, and success in your life, relationships, and work in 2020 and into the next decade!
A New Year is a wonderful time for beginnings and endings.
- What are you opening to and inviting?
- What are you releasing?
I received this New Year’s message from Mother Mary to support and guide you in this time of great flux on our planet and our lives,
Message from Mother Mary
The world must rise to a higher level to succeed.
The world and humanity are being called to the next level of their evolution.
The planet—Mother Earth—is rising to a higher vibration. Things as they have been and are, are no longer being tolerated by Her, which is why there are shake-ups in every facet of your lives.
The old is being destroyed in service of the new. Just as one season must end to flow into the next, so it is at this time.
Be not afraid, but gather your courage, your hope, your truths, and your Heart.
It is in your Heart that you will find your way. Each of you has a different way. Be not afraid to be different. Be not afraid to receive ways, information, and wisdom that does not exist. Listen to your Heart for your decisions, and then act.
Humanity is evolving from the way of the mind and power to the way of the Heart. Love, peace, truth, and joy are who you are. You are being woken up to these.
Imagine your world full with these. With everyone living with these. And choosing to live from these.
It is ultimately your choice. You choose which way you and humanity will go. But your choice is significant. So significant that you can create repercussions, change, and transformation across the globe and the cosmos.
It may be even something as simple as a thought. It may be something as simple as a feeling of gratitude, love, joy, or forgiveness. And it can be as powerful as changing a belief, a way of life that limits you and keeps you in the old.
Yes, you will feel fear and uncertainty and doubt.
Because what is new and what you are awakening to does not yet exist.
You are being birthed. And no baby births herself. The mother births her.
And this is the role of the Divine Feminine. I am birthing you all anew.
Surrender. Trust. Have Faith.
You do not have to know me or come to me to be birthed. But you will… in the cave of your Heart and in the majesty of my Being.
You may know me as Mother Earth, and that may be enough. But for those who seek and desire more, seek me out. Call upon me in any form that speaks to you.
I am the Mother of all.
You have come from me.
The new ways are that of love and a higher vibration. Many of the toys and weapons you now use will need to be put down, put away. It is time to stop being children and grow up to your true natures.
But this is not a serious business. It is one of delight and play and awe and beauty.
There is great love for you, not just from me, but from many, many, many Beings.
Ultimately, it is your choice. Choose to wake up. Choose a new path, a new way. Choose to love, to have peace, to invite joy, delight, pleasure, beauty into your lives, relationships, and work. Let them perfume the fabric of your being and your lives. This is the way to wake up. This is the higher vibration.
Every choice you make that lifts you, we raise you tenfold. Whether or not you know it.
For you are our family in Spirit. You are our brothers and sisters. We watch you with great joy and love. We await your call, your requests to connect with us.
Know that you are beautiful beyond compare, beyond description. Know that you are precious and treasured and delighted in. Know that you are beyond worthy of the kingdom of Heaven.
It exists within you. Open to it. Receive it.
Receive all that you are in the eyes of God.
We are one in the Sacred Heart.
Mother Mary.
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