It’s three weeks after the election. So much fear. Rage. Panic. Frustration. Disappointment. Shock.

The San Francisco Bay Area is buzzing and electric with emotion and protests. When you go online and on social media, you enter the frenzy.

It’s (almost) the only conversation happening. Everyone’s grappling with What Next?

Are we going towards the Light? or down into the Dark?

What Can I Do?

All the women I speak to are feeling fiercely called to DO something.

Are you having the same experience?

After a particularly intense panic- and fear-filled conversation with a friend, I realized that I needed to find my center.

I brought out my quartz crystal bowl in my office, closed my eyes, and circled the felt tipped striker against its white rim.

As its pure high crystalline tone washed over me, my energy field began to clear like water evaporates in a desert.

Ahhh…..its soothing clarity pierces my body. My nervous system relaxes. The emotional conversation recedes. And in just 5 minutes after I lift the striker from the bowl, I am calm and centered.

Myself again.

If you’re feeling wracked after the election (or Thanksgiving!), here are 5 ways you can center yourself with sound:

First, decide to give yourself 5 minutes. Turn off everything you’re doing — laptop, phone, laundry, dinner etc. Then focus your attention to yourself the next 5 minutes.

  1. Crystal bowl: If you have a crystal bowl, use it. If you don’t have one, I highly recommend getting one. Check out your local metaphysical store. Or Crystal Tones is a fabulous online resource.
  2. Play a musical instrument. If you have a musical instrument around you, play it for 5 minutes. If you don’t know how to play and there’s a piano, guitar, or ukulele nearby, plunk its keys or strum its strings. Be a child and let your fingers lead.
  3. Tone on a vowel — aah, aayh, eeeh, ohhh, uuuuu. Pick a vowel or any of these and cycle through them.
  4. Chant — Turn off your laptop and everything else and sing your favorite chant. If you don’t have one, Om (AUM) is a great one. Or pick a phrase or line from a song you love.
  5. Get out into nature. Lie under a tree, beside water, or stroll in a park, relax and listen to the sounds of nature. They’re some of the most soothing sounds and energy your body can receive. You can also listen to recorded nature sounds if getting out into nature isn’t an option.

For best results, close your eyes so you’re not being stimulated by your eyes and can just focus on sound.

Healing sounds immediately:

  • lower your brain activity
  • balance and harmonize the left and right sides of your brain
  • soothe your nervous system

Try it!

And let me know how it goes in the comments.