by Mytrae | Aug 19, 2022 | Divine Feminine, Messages from Mary

Here’s part of a channeled message from Mother Mary on Truth. Take your time in reading it to receive her words and transmissions.
“Dear One,
There are great things in all of you that must be spoken. Each of you has something special for yourself and for our world. Your Truth is sacred. Your deepest truths are your expression of your Divine Feminine self, the Goddess. And She, in each of you is unique, different, rare, and magnificent. In your journey as a human woman, it is for you to discover and express the truths of your deepest self — not the truths you have been told, whether it is from family, parents, culture, religion, tradition, or the mainstream.
Your Truth is like the pearl that lives within the oyster in the great wash of the ocean. To find your truth you must dive, as a diver does, deep into your depths, pick up your oyster shell, open it, and find your pearl. Right now, you might think your truth is the ocean because that’s what’s everywhere. Do not look for your truth in the marketplace or outside of you. Those are false truths. And some of them are even lies.”
What is your truth?
Centuries of trauma and patriarchy have caused women to stay silent, small, and unheard. We self-sabotage, feel afraid of what other people might think, tone ourselves down, hesitate, and doubt ourselves. It’s all too easy to go along with the mainstream and other people’s ideas and ways.
But your Truth is yours and yours alone. It is your power, your dignity, your beauty, and your freedom.
Your truth is a flame that lights your way. Your truth is a sword that cuts through the maze of falsities. Your truth is your path to your desires and dreams.
Your Truth is your journey to yourself. To become all that you are as a woman. Like a never-ending spiral, as you arrive at one truth, your path opens to another.
Your Truth is coming home to yourself. To remember who you are as a Divine Being.
To be in your Truth is to:
- Be in authentic relationship with yourself
- Say that thing you’ve been afraid or hesitate to say
- Do that thing you haven’t done but want to do
- Find your courage and conviction to live your truth
- Express your precious, unique gifts and all that you are, no matter what
What is your Truth calling you to?
by Mytrae | Aug 19, 2020 | Divine Feminine, Events

Hello lovely one,
I wholeheartedly invite you to join me in the Feminine Frequency Festival – a global gathering by women leaders and healers, for women leaders and healers – happening Aug 20-28, 2020.
I’m going to be channeling at Feminine Frequency, “CHANNELED WISDOM FROM THE DIVINE FEMININE – MOTHER MARY AND MARY MAGDALENE” happening on AUGUST 20, 6:30AM PST. It’s FREE and I wanted to invite you to join me.
You will receive beautiful, nurturing, empowerment, wisdom and awakening transmissions from Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene.
I would love for you to join me!
I’m so excited to be part of this Festival as there are some amazing women teachers and healers sharing their wisdom. Gatherings like this raise the vibration of women everywhere.
Every day of this powerful convergence of women promises an enriching mix of soulful performance, insightful teachings and classes, plus engaging experiential sessions (art, meditation, sound healing, etc.)
Already an audience of 3000 women have been gathered for this! After the festival an “open-mic” session will be held to share YOUR gifts + plus you’ll remain in community with thousands for amazing women for continued connection.
This will also be a powerful networking opportunity! This gathering represents a diverse lineup of powerful women presenters and performers.
Feminine Frequency is dedicated to women sharing wisdom, inspiration, and upliftment.
by Mytrae | Jul 3, 2020 | Messages from Mary

We’re in uncertain times. The world and reality as we know it is breaking up.
We’re uncertain. We don’t know what’s next. We don’t know the way forward. We’re passing through a door — a portal — of no return.
Uncertainty makes us feel shaky. It brings up fear, worry, anxiety, and panic.
It also makes us hold on desperately to what we know, to what’s familiar, and to expect we’ll return to the world as we knew it.
It’s instinctive.
Though holding on might be the last thing that’s helpful. Not only to grow, but to survive.
Because we’re being forced to change.
I went to Mother Mary with my own uncertainty. And to ask for guidance.
Here’s what she (and other beings) said.
Channeled message from Mother Mary
Dearest Mary,
How are we to be with uncertainty?
Dear One,
As you did just now, it is to not know. When you do not know, you are open.
When you do not know, you are naked.
When you do not know, everything becomes possible.
And that is the place the Divine is asking you and all of humanity to come to.
It is as though you are now ready to grow from an infant who can only crawl to a toddler who can learn to stand. It will be wobbly. It will be shaky. You will fall and hurt yourselves.
But come to me naked and not knowing. For then your heart is open to receiving Me.
You cannot know and do not know the next cycle of your collective evolution. It will not be like what you have had. It will not be what you know. And therefore this uncertainty is preparing you all to open to possibility. To many possibilities.
Possibilities for healing. Possibilities for equality and unity. Possibilities for peace and caring and brotherhood and sisterhood. Possibilities for co-existing in harmony, respect, and honor. Possibilities to be truly human, not where the world has been for so long. Possibilities for kindness, gentleness, giving and sharing. Possibilities for truth and beauty and rest and abundance for all. Possibilities for balance without the jagged peaks of those who have so much and those who have so little.
That is the great pain of this world. The greed. The hate. The violence. The judgments.
This is a possibility to grow up. For you are no longer children.
Possibility is a choice
Those of you who will open to this possibility will know a whole new world. And it is a choice.
It is a choice to give up what you know, to open, receive, and claim the larger spheres and dimensions of you. All will not do this. And that will be as it is for now.
But for those of you who are uncertain, come to us. Look to us. Ask us. Ask. Reach for the Divine. This is a journey of you opening to the larger dimension of who you are as a human being.
The uncertainty and not knowing is the wall that forces you to look up, stretch your arms and legs to climb to a higher dimension. So it is not the end, but it is a beginning of the new.
The choice to climb is a choice. We are watching each and every one of you. When you ask, we reach down and lift you up. We cannot help those who will not ask.
Come to know You
Know that when you feel the most alone, and step into that not knowing, the light of the Divine shines upon you so that you may look up to see the truth of You.
For you are one with God and Goddess. And you have forgotten this. You live broken lives — jagged lives of suffering and toil and separation. This is the time to stop denying the greatness and grandeur of You. The power of You. The beauty of You. The majesty of You. The love that You are. And the light of You.
So claim your Divine Self. Come uncertain. Come not knowing. And the doors will be flung open.
You are always in our hearts.
by Mytrae | May 30, 2020 | Healing, Messages from Mary

I am deeply troubled by the current racist violence and inhumanity. The heat of my own internalized racism and racism has been rising up, like fire on my skin. I know as a woman of color and an immigrant that my self-worth is very connected to this issue.
So I went into prayer and meditation this morning, and asked Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene for guidance. This is what came through which I want to share with you.
Dearest Mary,
Please help me heal my judgement towards myself of my color and my race, and my judgment of others’ color and their race. It is so deep in my cells. Please help me release this. Please help me raise my head high and to speak my truth of what I know, with love.
Please help me release my negative feelings and beliefs towards white people, and all that they have done over the centuries. I’ve probably been white, too, in past lifetimes.
If you have any words of wisdom or guidance or healing, I would love to receive.
Dear One,
I am with you.
This is a pain and a thinking that you hold that you and the world holds not only in their minds but in their cells and in their very bones. This system of racism, of believing one is more valuable than another is abhorrent. This points to a great need of growth for humankind.
Mother Earth is angry.
People are angry, and rightly so, for this must be corrected to move forward, to evolve. It is essential for each person to clear in their eyes, in their minds, in their hearts, in their bodies, and their Souls this hatred and fear of a different race.
This separation, these judgments, these beliefs of who is better than are sins. This is grievous, grievous, erroneous thinking.
It sets you up to be enemies. It sets you up to war against each other.
Most of all, it sets you up to prevent from loving yourself.
And from receiving love from others.
With this kind of hate you will forever be impoverished in some form or fashion. And this impoverishment, and this disease of racism will find its way to you as long as you keep this hate, hold on to this hate and otherness.
It will come to you as disease. It will come to you as pestilence. It will come to you as it has in the current virus. It will come to you as a lack of love, as broken families, as a broken life, as a poverty of comfort.
What humankind does not know, or most of humankind does not know, is that what you do and how you think about another boomerangs to yourself.
Right now there is a somewhat legal system although that is greatly, shall we say, faulty. But the true legality exists on an energetic and a spiritual level. That what indeed you think about, say about, feel about, and do to another from hatred, from judgment, with anger, and violence will, without a doubt, return back to you personally. To your life. You and you alone are responsible. It is not whether you are caught in the act. It does not matter if nobody sees the act or the thought or the feeling. That is not what is accounted for here. There is a higher law. The Law of Karma — of cause and effect. What you do, think about, say about, and feel about another will boomerang back to you.
Most of humankind does not know this, does not live by this. It is an area of growth direly necessary. You are all in the throes of this. There will be suffering. There will be upheaval. There will be pain. There will be death. But you are in the churn of it all.
You can choose to be in the churn of it. But the fastest way out from this churn is to look inside yourself.
Look inside your mind for your own judgments.
1. First, about yourself.
How do you see yourself in comparison with people who look different from you? How do you feel about yourself? How do you hold the color of your skin? What is the value or the devalue that you give it?
How you hold this is a stance. And like any stance, it has a vibration that can be changed, as you know, in an instant. So, do that.
Change your stance.
Choose to change your stance. Where there is separation, where there is self-violation, where there is self-disregard, self-dismissal, putting yourself down, thinking yourself inferior, go into your heart and bring — find the love. Color in those places with all your favorite colors. Adorn yourself. Bedeck yourself there. Create practices to make yourself feel beautiful, worthy, powerful, gifted, and Divine.
This is the inward step toward yourself.
2. The second is towards others.
How do you see others? Be very, very watchful here. Because it is easy to rationalize. How do you regard people who look different from you? How do you feel towards them? What arises in your body? How do you treat them? How have you treated them before?
This is an uncomfortable practice because we all want to think of ourselves as not having such feelings but it is essential, because if you don’t, this is what will return back to you in some shape, form, or manner.
So note your thoughts and feelings and sensations, and now, bring love there. And notice what comes up as you bring love. Whether you fight it. Whether you resist it. Whether you don’t want it. Whether you push it away. Or you think it shouldn’t be so. Where it confronts your idea of what reality should be like. And, especially what you have gained by these ways of thinking. What have you gained? In what ways have you felt better about yourself? Or felt superior? Pumped up your ego?
Much of this has been inherited from those who have gone before you. You do not have to follow blindly any more. You can turn the tide. You can change the tide of this ocean. And say no, that you choose something different here.
And then, choose it.
Bring love. Bring the flowers, the colors, and the animals. Bring all the music.
Go back in time to think of all the ways, experiences, where you have regarded others in this way. Whether or not you were taught to. When you were taught to and were blindly in the throes of that.
And when you knew what you were doing.
It is uncomfortable but stay there. Don’t let yourself off the hook.
So bring love. Sisterhood. Brotherhood. Friendship.
3. And the third step is towards Mother Earth.
And with that, do the same thing. In what ways have you used her? Trampled her? Taken more from her than you needed? Thought of her as a thing?
And the same applies to God. To the Divine.
All of this is an exercise for you to know love. For you to love yourself. And to love others. Loving does not mean giving yourself away, or not setting boundaries, or saying no, or standing up for yourself. That is all truth and is necessary when it’s needed. But it is time to change these old, old fears, judgments, beliefs between races.
So begin.
We are with you as you do this work.
Blessings to all.
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