The twists and turns of my life have led me to becoming a psychotherapist. Originally from India, the land of spirituality, I’ve had a deep spiritual path my entire life. Vedanta, Tantra, Kundalini awakenings, and Integral Yoga are as familiar to me as my breath.

But, being Indian, I had a blind spot about the psyche and emotional healing. Psychology is a Western field, to which India has yet to open and embrace. So I came late to psychotherapy—at 40.

That’s what makes me passionate about psychotherapy. So profoundly transformed by it, I love helping others do the same. I love helping people heal their wounding and discover they’re so much more than that. I love helping them grow into their authentic selves and live their Truth.

After getting licensed, I knew there was more. I sat with the question: What is healing?

The answer came soon after as a Lyme Disease diagnosis. In 2009, alongside traditional and alternative medicine, I visited a spiritual healer in Brazil. My worst symptoms vanished in two days. And in eighteen months, I was completely healed.

I also received an incredible amount of emotional and psychological healing, which was life-changing. And all manner of guidance about my life.

When I learned about soul lessons, something unlocked and clicked in me. I finally had answers to questions I’d been asking for much of my life. I finally had a perspective which made sense. My life’s purpose and meaning lay clearly before me.

My many palpable experiences of guides and beings awed and intrigued me—that so much healing and guidance is always available to us. Right here, right now. Even if we can’t see it.

My healing and transformation shifted me to living a soul-led life.

It was one thing to receive spiritual healing in Brazil. It was quite another to integrate it into my world as a professional psychotherapist. After all, even in San Francisco, there aren’t many social or professional situations in which you can say you were healed by exalted vibrations of Light and Love without people hastily ending the conversation.

There’s so much we don’t know about healing, yet is available at arm’s reach. My healing journey made me realize how much our spiritual life, relationships, past lives, unconscious (yes, even more than psychotherapy does!), energy and light bodies are interconnected with our physical and emotional health.

Psychotherapy was my doorway to the realm of healing. My experiences of spiritual healing set me on an exploration of healing beyond its paradigm.

So I trained in Past Life Regression Therapy and Hypnotherapy. I shifted to include working energetically and intuitively.

I love helping people step into and live from who they really are. I’m excited when they tune into their inner guidance and intuition. And I’m most fulfilled when they open to and unfold their connection to their heart and soul.

For you are beautiful, magnificent, and powerful—much more than what you know.

I’m starting this blog because I want to share what I know about healing with you.

Whether traditional or alternative, every modality has something useful to offer. I want to integrate and share what I know and continue to learn with you. Some of my areas of interest are spirituality, psychology, healing, and the Divine Feminine.

This blog is also about being and becoming a Goddess. Which is no small feat for we—regardless of gender— are goddesses in process. It’s a practice we’re in. Every day. Whether we know it or not. Intend to or not.

The blog category ‘Divine Feminine’  travels through the rich, gorgeous, and juicy pantheon of Indian goddesses, more ancient than time itself. They offer you wisdom, grace, and power as you travel through your own life.

It’s a place for you to connect with Her, and invite Her into your heart and home. It’s a way to celebrate your femininity or your feminine nature. It’s a way to know yourself as the Divine Feminine.

I know you’ll be drawn to what speaks to you here. And I would love to hear from you. I’d love for this blog to be a place where you can connect with me and others to share your experiences and reflections.

I’d love for it to be a space where you can sit down, kick off your shoes, curl up with your favorite beverage, and talk.

Welcome to my blog!